ICBAS - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar

One Health protagonist of 'History' in the media

The path is made by walking, wrote Antonio Machado (1875-1839) in what was the poem that left him for the eternity of letters. It is in this slow path made of persistent steps that the One Health concept is forming a school, which may come to revolutionize the way of looking at Health, the one that guides us, comforts us, makes us believe that it is possible to be better, which gives us quality of life and circumvents the void of pessimism even when the scenario is the darkest and the days seem shortened to death.

Read the full piece here.

Source: Notícias Magazine.


Director of ICBAS participates in a public hearing at the European Parliament

On February 28, 2023, the director of ICBAS, Professor Henrique Cyrne Carvalho, participated in a public hearing on One Health in the European Parliament, in Brussels.

The session “Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the future”, aimed to discuss the link between the accelerated loss of biodiversity and the spread of zoonoses such as COVID-19, and their impacts on health human. The objective of this hearing was to gather contributions on how the European Union can implement the One Health One Health in its policies.

Prof. Henrique Cyrne Carvalho at the session “Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the future”.

For Prof. Henrique Cyrne “This was a unique opportunity to share the One Health plan of action that we have in course at ICBAS and, above all, to contribute to our local action to reflect on the implementation of actions of global impact, notably through the European Union”. 

Watch and hear the full session here.


2nd Porto One Health Day

International One Health Day at ICBAS

3 de novembro de 2022, 14h

No próximo dia 3 de novembro, Dia Internacional Uma Saúde, o Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) da Universidade do Porto vai voltar a reunir especialistas das mais variadas áreas e instituições do país para promover o debate em torno de uma abordagem holística da Saúde.

Este ano, com um programa mais direcionado para a comunidade não científica, o 2nd Porto One Health Day reflete o esforço que a instituição tem vindo a fazer para promover e difundir o conceito One Health/Uma Saúde entre a comunidade científica, académica e a sociedade civil.

As comemorações terminam com a inauguração da exposição ‘Perspetiva(s) sobre Uma Saúde’, na Estação de Metro dos Aliados, às 18h45.

Inscrições here.


Photography Exhibition 'Perspective(s) on One Health' at ICBAS

This is a selection of images that portray the integrated vision of Health that ICBAS has been promoting. It is a result of the homonymous photography contest that took place in March and April 2022.

The photography contest 'Perspective(s) on One Health promoted the dissemination of the concept among the academic community of U. Porto. About 250 images were received, from which ICBAS, together with the Portuguese Institute of Photography (IPF), a partner in this project, selected 20 photographs for a traveling exhibition which will be in several places in Porto.

The exhibition can now be visited at ICBAS, located in different parts of the School, between 12 September and 4 November (R. Jorge de Viterbo Ferreira 228, 4050-313 Porto).

This exhibition is an opportunity to promote a joint reflection on the One Health concept, as well as to alert civil society to the impact we all have on human, animal and environmental health.

See the exhibition sheet here.


Photography Exhibition ‘Perspective(s) on One Health’

From June to December 2022 at various locations in Porto

On the 1st of June it opens at the Biodiversity Gallery – Centro Ciência Viva | Museum of Natural History and Science of the U. Porto, the traveling exhibition 'Perspective(s) on One Health'. This is a selection of 20 images, which portray the integrated vision of Health that ICBAS has been promoting, as a result of the homonymous photography contest that took place in March and April.

From the ‘Perspective(s) on One Health’ photo contest, which aimed to promote the dissemination of the concept among the U. Porto academic community, around 250 images were received. Of these, ICBAS, together with the Portuguese Institute of Photography (IPF), a partner in this initiative, selected 20 photographs for an itinerant exhibition that will take place in various locations in Porto:

  1. From June 2nd to July 3rd – Biodiversity Gallery
  2. July to September – ICBAS
  3. October – Portuguese Photography Center (CPF)
  4. November – Metro od Porto
  5. December – Círculo Universitário do Porto

This exhibition is an opportunity to promote a joint reflection on the One Health concept, as well as to alert civil society to the impact we all have on human, animal and environmental health.

The exhibition 'Perspective(s) on One Health' can be visited, from June 2nd to July 3rd, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00, at Biodiversity Gallery – Centro Ciência Viva | Museum of Natural History and Science of the U. Porto (Rua do Campo Alegre 1191, 4150-181 Porto).


Innovative food strategies to promote dog health and well-being

In Europe, the population of companion animals has been increasing. In 2020, there were around 90 million dogs in 56 million households. In Portugal, around 38% of families had dogs as companion animals, with a total population of around 2 million animals. Thus, similarly to Europe, Portuguese households already have more pets than children, being these animals considered active elements of the family.

The growing humanization of companion animals has exacerbated the concern of tutors with food quality and safety, as well as with the impact of food on the well-being and health of animals. Indeed, tutors are increasingly looking for complete compound foods that ensure the satisfaction of nutritional needs and that, at the same time, have functional effects, especially in promoting health, well-being and longevity. Furthermore, the increase in the production of compound feed to face the increase in the animal population represents an environmental impact that cannot be neglected.

All these changes have contributed to the need to develop new food strategies, as well as to identify new ingredients that are more sustainable from an environmental, economic and social point of view and with functional qualities. The Animal Science Laboratory, at ICBAS, has developed several projects to find more sustainable food strategies that contribute to the promotion of health, well-being and longevity, both for puppies and adult dogs, towards to the societal challenge of One Health.

To know more:

Mineral composition of dry dog foods: impact on nutrition and potential toxicity

Effects of diet supplementation with sodium selenite and selenium-enriched in puppies’ health performance from post-weaning to adulthood

Effects of zinc source and enzyme addition on the fecal microbiota of dogs

Contact: Professor Ana Rita Cabrita (arcabrita@icbas.up.pt)


Sustainable aquaculture and functional diets for fish

Aquaculture is the fastest-growing global animal production sector, already contributing to more than 50% of the fish consumed worldwide. This growth will continue due to limitations in the capture of wild species and the increase in world population and consequent increase in demand.

Portugal already imports about 2/3 of the fish it consumes, which represents an imbalance in the trade balance of over €600 million/year. This imbalance can only be overcome through the sustained and sustainable development of aquaculture. In this sense, the European vision for the Sustainable Development of Aquaculture emerges, based on the promotion of competitiveness through innovative, environmentally sustainable methodologies, considering animal welfare and health, and the consumer's perspective.

In Portugal, as well as in Europe, essentially marine and mostly carnivorous species are produced. In the national territory, the main ones are turbot, sea bream, trout, sea bass and sole. The production of these species implies knowing the nutritional requirements of each one of them to ensure excellent growth, optimizing animal health and well-being.

The existing diets on the market are particularly designed for each species and these formulations follow well-defined and regulated rules. The entire process is tracked to ensure consumer safety. Likewise, the nutritional value of each fish depends on these diets, being important to ensure that they meet the highest quality requirements.

The CIIMAR Fish Nutrition, Growth and Quality Laboratory, led by an ICBAS Professor, works to optimize and evaluate sustainable production practices in aquaculture and improve the quality, safety and well-being of fish. It also prepares functional diets for these animals, designed to promote their health and nutritional value, to respond to the growing demands of the consumer.


To know more:

- Fish Nutrition and Feeding
- Increased growth and immune response of European sea bass through diet
- Change in lipid metabolism and oxidative stress of rainbow trout through diet

Contact: Professor Luísa Valente (lvalente@icbas.up.pt)

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