ICBAS - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar

ICBAS leads a One Health project for the safe use of antimicrobials

The USAM SULEI project will invest more than 850 thousand euros in promoting the safe use of antimicrobials in the production of pigs and bovine milk.

Monitoring, raising awareness, and providing information on good practices associated with the safe use of antimicrobials in the production of pigs and bovine milk is the aim of the USAM SULEI project, led by the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto, and co-financed by the European Union through the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

For the project's main researcher and ICBAS professor, João Niza Ribeiro, "the funding received –more than 850 thousand euros – will allow the development and implementation of an integrated online system (web platform) to support decision-making in the use of antimicrobials, aimed at veterinarians and producers, with the objective of sustainably reducing the consumption of antibiotics on pig farms and in dairy farming”.

Read the full text here.

Source: Notícias UP; Image: Amber Kipp via unsplash.


One Health Talks

To face the challenge of discussing One Health in less than 60 minutes, we continued the 1st cycle of ICBAS monthly talks on November 23rd.

In the second session, Adriano A. Bordalo e Sá, Professor at ICBAS, invites Joana Savva Bordalo e Sá, Oncologist at IPO-Porto, with experience in medical assistance in Africa, India and a Palestinian Refugee Camp, to discuss the topic Water, conflicts and refugees within the scope of the 'One Health Talks' Cycle.

The event will take place from 1pm-1.50pm in ICBAS monoblock 1.


Pollution in the Douro estuary. Researchers warn of “pitiful” condition.

There are boats on the Douro River that are making illegal discharges and there is no one controlling them. They are identified as one of the causes of river pollution.

But for environmentalists and researchers, this is just one of many problems. There are 22 thousand houses or commercial spaces with direct or indirect sewage to the Douro estuary.

See the full report here.

Source: RTP Notícias; Image: Quentin Marquet, Pixabay.


Expo One Health opened the doors of ICBAS to the city of Porto

Almost 500 participants visited the Expo One Health organizada pelo ICBAS-UP, entre os dias 2 e 4 de novembro de 2023.

For the third consecutive year, the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto celebrated the International One Health, now in the format of a three days exhibition dedicated to hands-on demonstration of the practical applicability of the concept, which assumes the interconnection between environmental, animal and human health. The Expo One Health brought together companies, foundations, associations and NGOs, in addition to U.Porto research units, as well as the five ICBAS teaching areas linked to environmental health, animal health, human health, biochemistry and bioengineering. The event included lectures on the topic, including that of the president of the Porto City Council, who defended the adoption of the “ One Health concept not only as a scientific approach, but also as a political approach to the climate emergency we are experiencing”.

Read the full text here.

Source: Notícias UP; Image: ICBAS

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