On June 13, more than 80 students from all the PhD programs of the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS), covering the areas of Human Health, Animal Health, and Environmental Health, took part in the One Health PhD Forum, organized by the ICBAS Office for One Health.
The aim of this meeting was to encourage scientific sharing, promote potential partnerships, publicise the transdisciplinary nature of the One Health concept, and challenge students to integrate the approach into their research.
The programme included two invited Keynotes , four oral presentation sessions involving 18 students, an 18-poster presentation session and the dissemination of 24 virtual posters. The best presentations were awarded scholarships to attend a scientific congress, one for the best oral presentation (Mariana Oliveira - 4th year student of the Doctoral Programme in Aquatic Environmental Sciences, Biology and Ecology) and another for the best poster presentation (Carla Sousa - 1st year student of the Doctoral Programme in Animal Science). An honourable mention was also awarded for the best virtual poster (Vera Constâncio - 4th year student of the Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Programme).
Most participants identified with the concept and shared the same opinion - initiatives like this are fundamental for sharing knowledge and contacting colleagues from different areas. An event to repeat!

Images: ICBAS.