
ICBAS brings One Health concept to schools

Making children, teenagers, and young people aware that what we understand as Health also includes the health of animals, plants and the environment is the focus of the initiative "One Health in Schools". In April and May, the concept was presented in a simple and participatory way in two primary schools in the Greater Porto region. Two different challenges, chosen by each of them, were also launched, accompanied by a practical activity alluding to the topic."

The Escola do Marco, from Agrupamento de Escolas António Sérgio in Vila Nova de Gaia, chose the topic 'Pets - benefits and care'. The students were visited by Lola the dog and heard from her guardian, the veterinarian Luísa Guardão from ICBAS, about the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with our animals. The Escola da Caramila, from Agrupamento Fontes Pereira de Melo in Porto, chose to work on the theme 'Water, a good for everyone? After an initial talk, and thanks to the participation of marine biologist Lúcia Gomes from the ICBAS Hydrobiology laboratory, they learned how to manually make a homemade filter from recycled materials to purify water and to identify various characteristics of this precious liquid.

But the activities won't stop there. In June, these children will come to ICBAS to present the solutions to the challenges. Families will also be able to watch and learn from the research carried out by the little ones at home.

From September, the 'One Health in Schools' will reach other levels of education, with a similar format, but adapted to the motivations and expectations of each stage.

At Escola do Marco, the dog Lola was the protagonist of the activity 'Pets - benefits and care'. Image credits: Sofia A. Costa Lima.

The importance of access to drinking water was reinforced with the construction of a 'homemade' filter at the Escola da Caramila. Image credits: Sofia A. Costa Lima.

Docentes e Investigadores do ICBAS no programa Biosfera – animais de companhia

The Biosfera TV program (RTP) was at ICBAS and wanted to know how we can promote family health with companion animals, prevent the transmission of diseases, and guarantee the well-being of our animals.
Paulo Martins da Costa, Liliana Martins, Inês Rodrigues, Maria Leonor Lemos, and Jorge Ribeiro, are highlighted, in an edition dedicated to our four-legged companions. 

See the full program here.

Source: RTP; Image: Unsplash.


ICBAS and FEP launch One Health Master

The One Health Master results from the combination of knowledge from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) and the Faculty of Economics (FEP) of the University of Porto and aims to be part of the answer to a sustainable future for the planet, through a curricular program that crosses Life and Social sciences. The new master’s degree will be part of the University of Porto’s training offer from the 2024/2025 academic year onwards.

Designed to prepare human resources capable of approaching environmental, human, and animal health problems in a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary way, this new course aims to provide tools for a more comprehensive understanding of these problems, as a path to lasting solutions.

Read the full text here.

Source: Notícias UP; Image: ICBAS.


“Tide of plastic” on beaches in Northern Spain could affect Portugal

The researcher Bordalo e Sá considered today that the authorities must monitor the coast and “implement a tailor-made contingency plan” for the “plastic tide” on the beaches of Northern Spain that could affect Portugal.

“Right now the dominant currents are to the north. It is likely that these particles will reach Portugal in the spring, when the direction of the currents changes, and if the entire contents [of the containers that transported the plastic] have not washed up on the coast, which fell into the sea, although with a smaller impact. The first step will be to activate beach surveillance, also using civil society, and the second step will be to implement a tailor-made and supervised contingency plan”, explained the hydrobiologist from the University of Porto, speaking to Lusa.

Read the full text here.

Source: Green Savers Sapo, Lusa; Image: Camille Minouflet via Unsplash


ICBAS leads a One Health project for the safe use of antimicrobials

The USAM SULEI project will invest more than 850 thousand euros in promoting the safe use of antimicrobials in the production of pigs and bovine milk.

Monitoring, raising awareness, and providing information on good practices associated with the safe use of antimicrobials in the production of pigs and bovine milk is the aim of the USAM SULEI project, led by the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto, and co-financed by the European Union through the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

For the project's main researcher and ICBAS professor, João Niza Ribeiro, "the funding received –more than 850 thousand euros – will allow the development and implementation of an integrated online system (web platform) to support decision-making in the use of antimicrobials, aimed at veterinarians and producers, with the objective of sustainably reducing the consumption of antibiotics on pig farms and in dairy farming”.

Read the full text here.

Source: Notícias UP; Image: Amber Kipp via unsplash.


Pollution in the Douro estuary. Researchers warn of “pitiful” condition.

There are boats on the Douro River that are making illegal discharges and there is no one controlling them. They are identified as one of the causes of river pollution.

But for environmentalists and researchers, this is just one of many problems. There are 22 thousand houses or commercial spaces with direct or indirect sewage to the Douro estuary.

See the full report here.

Source: RTP Notícias; Image: Quentin Marquet, Pixabay.


Expo One Health opened the doors of ICBAS to the city of Porto

Almost 500 participants visited the Expo One Health organizada pelo ICBAS-UP, entre os dias 2 e 4 de novembro de 2023.

For the third consecutive year, the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto celebrated the International One Health, now in the format of a three days exhibition dedicated to hands-on demonstration of the practical applicability of the concept, which assumes the interconnection between environmental, animal and human health. The Expo One Health brought together companies, foundations, associations and NGOs, in addition to U.Porto research units, as well as the five ICBAS teaching areas linked to environmental health, animal health, human health, biochemistry and bioengineering. The event included lectures on the topic, including that of the president of the Porto City Council, who defended the adoption of the “ One Health concept not only as a scientific approach, but also as a political approach to the climate emergency we are experiencing”.

Read the full text here.

Source: Notícias UP; Image: ICBAS


ICBAS Summer School brought together several areas around One Health

The 1st edition of the joint course between ICBAS, FCUP, i3S and CIBIO took place between July and September, with 10 participants from different areas.

The 1Health1Welfare summer school finished, promoted by the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar of the University of Porto (ICBAS), in partnership with the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP), the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S) and the Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO) of the University of Porto.

The first edition of the school was attended by 10 students and researchers from different areas and sought to promote the One Health concept through a strong focus on the laboratory aspect aimed at protecting human and animal health and well-being.

Read the full text here.

Source: Notícias UP; Image: ICBAS


There is a dog at ICBAS who will help with students' mental health

A joint initiative between the Student Support Office and the veterinarian at ICBAS Luísa Guardão was presented at the reception ceremony for new students.

Starting this academic year, students at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar of the University of Porto (ICBAS-UP) will be able to participate in sessions assisted by a certified dog. The novelty is the result of a partnership between the Student Support Office and the veterinarian Luísa Guardão, with the aim of making a difference in the prevention of students' mental health and well-being.

On the other side of the Student Support Office door, ICBAS students can find, this academic year, not only one of the service's psychologists, but also the dog “Lola” – recently certified to carry out animal-assisted interventions by ÂNIMAS, together with the veterinarian Luísa Guardão -, with whom you can contact in previously scheduled sessions.

Read the full text here.

Source: Notícias UP; Image: NVSTUDIO

Noticias Uncategorized

There are more cruises on the Douro but not all of them treat water

Guardianship guarantees its own residual station on Portuguese hotel ships, but not on foreign ones. Captaincy issued five notices. Waste collected by tanker trucks is dumped into the sewer system.

In the first half of this year alone, there were 11,322 trips on the Douro River, including hotel ships, day cruises or pleasure boats. There are 132 more than registered last year. And, although the Ministry of Economy and the Sea guarantees, to JN, that “hotel ships flying the Portuguese flag all have their own wastewater or sewage treatment system”, the same cannot be said about foreign cruises operating in the Douro. António Costa Silva's office says that they are certified "as local auxiliary vessels", but the "construction process does not pass through Portugal", not ensuring that they have a similar system.

Read the full text here.

Source: Jornal de Notícias / Image Credits: Pedro Correia – Arquivo Global Imagens

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