
II One Health PhD Forum

We are delighted to announce the II One Health PhD Forum. This meeting brings together students, researchers, and academics dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering partnerships in the field of environmental, animal, and human health.

The event will take place on 12 June 2025, at the Salão Nobre of ICBAS-UP. This one-day scientific event welcomes the participation of all students enrolled in Doctoral Programmes based at ICBAS-UP. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work in the One Health field in their preferred format: oral presentation or poster. The best presentations in both categories will be awarded a travel grant.

The II One Health PhD Forum will be a unique opportunity to share scientific knowledge from a One Health perspective. The program will also feature a keynote lecture on a topic of general interest.

Registration and Important Dates

Registration is free but mandatory, and it includes lunch and coffee breaks. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

  • 11 April 2025: Deadline for registration with abstract submission.
    Register here.
  • 09 May 2025: Deadline for registration without abstract submission.
    Register here.

We eagerly await your participation!

The Organising Committee
ICBAS One Health Office | Adriano A. Bordalo e Sá, Begoña Pérez-Cabezas, Luísa Azevedo, Sofia A. Costa Lima


One Health Talks

A próxima Conversa One Health terá como tema Obesidade, um destino inevitável? Esta sessão contará com a participação da Psicóloga Isabel Lourinho (ICBAS) e da Nutricionista Carla Gonçalves (UTAD), que partilharão as suas perspetivas sobre os desafios e implicações da obesidade na saúde.

Data: 20 de fevereiro de 2025
Hora: 13h
Local: Biblioteca, sala 2

Para tornar a conversa ainda mais acolhedora, oferecemos o café. Convidamos todos a trazer a sua chávena, em alinhamento com o conceito One Health e a nossa preocupação com a saúde do ambiente.

Obesidade, um destino inevitável? | Isabel Lourinho e Carla Gonçalves

A obesidade é um dos principais fatores de risco para diversas doenças crónicas, como diabetes tipo 2, hipertensão, doenças cardiovasculares e alguns tipos de cancro. Além disso, está frequentemente associada a questões de saúde mental, como ansiedade e depressão. Mas quais são as verdadeiras causas da obesidade? São predominantemente genéticas ou comportamentais? Como encaram os mais jovens a sua imagem corporal nos dias de hoje? Dada a complexidade deste problema, como podemos coordenar eficazmente a prevenção, a educação, as políticas públicas e as intervenções clínicas?


One Health Talks

A primeira Conversa One Health de 2025 terá como tema Cancro e Sociedade. Este evento contará com a participação de Joana Savva Bordalo e Sá (IPO Porto) e Marta Santos (ICBAS), num diálogo enriquecedor sobre os múltiplos desafios e perspetivas associados às doenças oncológicas.

Data: 23 de janeiro de 2025
Hora: 13h
Local: Monoblocos, sala 5

Para tornar a conversa ainda mais acolhedora, oferecemos o café. Convidamo-vos a trazerem a vossa chávena, permanecendo assim fiéis ao conceito One Health.

Cancro e Sociedade | Joana Savva Bordalo e Sá, Marta Santos

O cancro é uma doença que tem um impacto profundo na vida de quem dela padece e na sociedade em geral. Lidar com o diagnóstico, as emoções associadas e os efeitos secundários dos tratamentos não é tarefa fácil. Como se sentem, realmente, estes doentes? Existem estratégias de humanização implementadas nos cuidados de saúde oncológicos? O que podemos fazer para os ajudar? Será que a relação com os animais pode ser útil neste contexto? Qual o papel da medicina comparativa no avanço do diagnóstico e tratamento da doença oncológica? Estas e outras reflexões serão abordadas numa discussão aberta e inspiradora, a não perder!


One Health Talks

To tackle the challenge of discussing One Health in under 60 minutes, the second cycle of monthly talks at ICBAS will continue on December 19th

In this session, Jorge Ribeiro, Clinical Director of the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Porto (UPVet), invites the nurse Sónia Brandão, specialist in maternal and obstetric health (Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto), and the engineer Miguel Braga da Costa (PontoPR – Inovação Digital), to discuss the topic ‘New technologies enable more sustainable clinical teaching’.

The event will take place from 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm in Room 2 of the ICBAS/FFUP Library.


One Health Talks

To tackle the challenge of discussing One Health in under 60 minutes, the second cycle of monthly talks at ICBAS will continue on 21st November. In this session, José Barros, Clinical Director of the Santo António University Hospital Centre and Visiting Full Professor at ICBAS, invites Ana Castroa Nephrology Hospital Assistant at the same hospital, to explore the topics of 'Green Hospitals and Green Nephrology’.

The event will take place from 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm in Room 2 of the ICBAS/FFUP Library.


Book Launch

As part of the International One HealthDay, on November 4, the book One Health a contribution from the University' will be launched.Luísa Schmidt, sociologist and coordinating researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa), will present the book at 5:30 p.m. in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectory of the University of Porto.

The session is open to the public, but requires registration via email (

SYNOPSIS: Although we sometimes forget it, human beings do not live alone on the planet. Human health is linked to the health of other living beings and the health of the environment where all live in, as identified by the One Health concept. One Health, a contribution from the University is a book written by professors and researchers from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto to the civil society, to bring this concept to many audiences. In this book, you can read several texts that present the One Health approach through situations close to all of us in order to promote understanding of it. If we recognize that the well-being of all living beings (and ours too) depends on an integrative, transdisciplinary approach and sustainable decision-making, then we can truly build a healthier future.  


One Health Talks

To tackle the challenge of discussing One Health in under 60 minutes, the second cycle of monthly talks at ICBAS will continue on 24th October. In this session, Paulo Vaz-Pires, Full Professor at ICBAS, will host António Afonso, retired Professor at ICBAS, to explore the topic 'Demystifying aquatic food production and its effects on the environment and human health.

The event will take place from 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm in Room 2 of the ICBAS/FFUP Library.


Book Launch

As part of the International One HealthDay, on November 4, the book One Health a contribution from the University' will be launched.Luísa Schmidt, sociologist and coordinating researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa), will present the book at 5:30 p.m. in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectory of the University of Porto.

The session is open to the public, but requires registration via email (

SYNOPSIS: Although we sometimes forget it, human beings do not live alone on the planet. Human health is linked to the health of other living beings and the health of the environment where all live in, as identified by the One Health concept. One Health, a contribution from the University is a book written by professors and researchers from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto to the civil society, to bring this concept to many audiences. In this book, you can read several texts that present the One Health approach through situations close to all of us in order to promote understanding of it. If we recognize that the well-being of all living beings (and ours too) depends on an integrative, transdisciplinary approach and sustainable decision-making, then we can truly build a healthier future.  


One Health at Schools

The ICBAS One Health office is committed to promoting the concept to the wider community, and we believe that engaging with children is one of the most effective ways to achieve this. We recently launched the program ‘One Health at Schools', the first phase of which involved visits to two primary schools in Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia. During these visits, the One Health the concept was introduced to the children, and they were given a challenge to work on.

In the coming days, these students, along with their teachers and families, will visit ICBAS to present the results of their projects. These presentations are open to the entire ICBAS community and will take place on the following dates and times:

21st June 2024, 14h30, Salão Nobre: Escola do Marco, presenting on the theme ‘Pets – Benefits and Care’

26th June 2024, 14.30, Monoblocos room 7: Escola da Caramila, presenting on the theme ‘Water: A Resource for Everyone?’


One Health PhD Forum

The One Health PhD Forum will be held at ICBAS on 13 June 2024. It is a 1-day scientific meeting in which any PhD student enrolled in an ICBAS-UP Doctoral Programme is invited to participate.

The main objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge from a One Health perspective, among all the participants. The program includes 2 keynote lectures related to relevant topics of broad interest to everyone.

PhD students can submit his/her work in the area of One Health*, to be presented in oral presentation or virtual poster format. The best presentation and the best poster will be awarded with a travel grant.

**Registration and Abstract submission are now closed**

Any member of the ICBAS community can attend this event. Registration is not required.

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