
One Health Talks

Para continuar a enfrentar o desafio de discutir One Health em menos de 60 minutos, damos seguimento ao 2º ciclo de conversas mensais do ICBAS no próximo dia 21 de novembro. Nesta sessão, José Barros, Diretor Clínico do Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António e Professor Catedrático convidado do ICBAS, convida Ana Castro, Assistente Hospitalar de Nefrologia do Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António, para discutirem os temas ‘Hospital verde e Nefrologia verde”.

O evento decorrerá das 13h às 13.50h na Biblioteca do ICBAS/FFUP, sala 2.


Book Launch

As part of the International One HealthDay, on November 4, the book One Health a contribution from the University' will be launched.Luísa Schmidt, sociologist and coordinating researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa), will present the book at 5:30 p.m. in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectory of the University of Porto.

The session is open to the public, but requires registration via email (

SYNOPSIS: Although we sometimes forget it, human beings do not live alone on the planet. Human health is linked to the health of other living beings and the health of the environment where all live in, as identified by the One Health concept. One Health, a contribution from the University is a book written by professors and researchers from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto to the civil society, to bring this concept to many audiences. In this book, you can read several texts that present the One Health approach through situations close to all of us in order to promote understanding of it. If we recognize that the well-being of all living beings (and ours too) depends on an integrative, transdisciplinary approach and sustainable decision-making, then we can truly build a healthier future.  


One Health Talks

Para continuar a enfrentar o desafio de discutir One Health em menos de 60 minutos, damos início ao 2º ciclo de conversas mensais do ICBAS no próximo dia 24 de outubro. Nesta sessão, Paulo Vaz-Pires, Professor Catedrático do ICBAS, convida António Afonso, Professor aposentado do ICBAS, para discutirem o tema ‘Desmitificar a produção de alimentos aquáticos e os seus efeitos no ambiente e na saúde humana.

O evento decorrerá das 13h às 13.50h na Biblioteca do ICBAS/FFUP, sala 2.


Book Launch

As part of the International One HealthDay, on November 4, the book One Health a contribution from the University' will be launched.Luísa Schmidt, sociologist and coordinating researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa), will present the book at 5:30 p.m. in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectory of the University of Porto.

The session is open to the public, but requires registration via email (

SYNOPSIS: Although we sometimes forget it, human beings do not live alone on the planet. Human health is linked to the health of other living beings and the health of the environment where all live in, as identified by the One Health concept. One Health, a contribution from the University is a book written by professors and researchers from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto to the civil society, to bring this concept to many audiences. In this book, you can read several texts that present the One Health approach through situations close to all of us in order to promote understanding of it. If we recognize that the well-being of all living beings (and ours too) depends on an integrative, transdisciplinary approach and sustainable decision-making, then we can truly build a healthier future.  


One Health nas Escolas

O Gabinete One Health do ICBAS está empenhado em dar a conhecer o conceito à sociedade civil e acreditamos que conversar com crianças é uma das vias mais produtivas para o fazer. Recentemente, iniciamos o programa ‘One Health nas Escolas’, cuja primeira fase contou com a visita a duas escolas primárias no Porto e Vila Nova de Gaia. Nesta atividade, foi divulgado o conceito One Health junto das crianças e foi-lhes lançado um desafio.

Nos próximos dias estes alunos virão ao ICBAS, juntamente com suas professoras e famílias, apresentar o resultado do trabalho que desenvolveram. As apresentações são abertas a toda a Comunidade ICBAS e irão decorrer nos seguintes dias e horários:

21 de junho de 2024, 14h30, Salão Nobre: Escola do Marco, com o tema ‘Animais de companhia – benefícios e cuidados’

26 de junho de 2024, 14h30, Monoblocos sala 7: Escola da Caramila, com o tema ‘Água, um bem para todos?’


One Health PhD Forum

The One Health PhD Forum will be held at ICBAS on 13 June 2024. It is a 1-day scientific meeting in which any PhD student enrolled in an ICBAS-UP Doctoral Programme is invited to participate.

The main objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge from a One Health perspective, among all the participants. The program includes 2 keynote lectures related to relevant topics of broad interest to everyone.

PhD students can submit his/her work in the area of One Health*, to be presented in oral presentation or virtual poster format. The best presentation and the best poster will be awarded with a travel grant.

**Registration and Abstract submission are now closed**

Any member of the ICBAS community can attend this event. Registration is not required.


One Health Talks

To face the challenge of discussing One Health em menos de 60 minutos, continuamos o 1º ciclo de conversas mensais do ICBAS no próximo dia 23 de maio. 

Na oitava sessão (e última deste ciclo), Isabel Lourinho, Psicóloga Especialista Clínica e da Saúde, Coordenadora do Gabinete de Apoio ao Estudante Empregabilidade e Alumni do ICBAS e Psicóloga Clínica no Icuf, convida Ana Neiva, arquiteta, investigadora, curadora e Professora auxiliar convidada na FAUP e na FCAATI da U. Lusófona, para discutirem o tema ‘ Corpo, Mente e Arquitetura: Ambientes como promotores de Bem-Estar ‘.

O evento decorrerá das 13h às 13.50h na Biblioteca do ICBAS/FFUP, sala 2.


One Health PhD Forum

The One Health PhD Forum will be held at ICBAS on 13 June 2024. It is a 1-day scientific meeting in which any PhD student enrolled in an ICBAS-UP Doctoral Programme is invited to participate.

The main objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge from a One Health perspective, among all the participants. The program includes 2 keynote lectures related to relevant topics of broad interest to everyone.

PhD students can submit his/her work in the area of One Health*, to be presented in oral presentation or virtual poster format. The best presentation and the best poster will be awarded with a travel grant.

Registration is free (but mandatory) and includes lunch and coffee breaks. A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant.

**Registration and Abstract submission are now closed.**

* Some examples of One Health matters are: Human and/or animal diseases influenced by environmental factors; Comparative medicine in translational and biomedical research; Molecules of natural origin and their use for prevention or treatment of a certain disease; Food production and Nutrition; Role of microorganisms in the promotion of health; Microbial resistance; Conservation and sustainable exploitation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; Chemical agents and other stressors on the environment and health; Prevention of disease in an integrative way.


One Health Talks

To face the challenge of discussing One Health em menos de 60 minutos, continuamos o 1º ciclo de conversas mensais do ICBAS no próximo dia 18 de abril. 

Na sétima sessão, Rita Cabrita, Professora associada do ICBAS, convida Salette Reis, Professora catedrática da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto e investigadora do Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde do REQUIMTE, e Luís Pinho, Professor auxiliar convidado do ICBAS e sócio da empresa SVA – Serviços Veterinários Associados, para discutirem o tema ‘Milk beyond the glass‘.

O evento decorrerá das 13h às 13.50h nos monoblocos do ICBAS, sala 4.


One Health PhD Forum

The One Health PhD Forum will be held at ICBAS on 13 June 2024. It is a 1-day scientific meeting in which any PhD student enrolled in an ICBAS-UP Doctoral Programme is invited to participate.

The main objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge from a One Health perspective, among all the participants. The program includes 2 keynote lectures related to relevant topics of broad interest to everyone.

PhD students can submit his/her work in the area of One Health*, to be presented in oral presentation or virtual poster format. The best presentation and the best poster will be awarded with a travel grant.

Registration is free (but mandatory) and includes lunch and coffee breaks. A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant. If you are interested in sharing your work with the whole ICBAS PhD student community, please, register and submit your abstract (if any) here by 15 April 2024.

* Some examples of One Health matters are: Human and/or animal diseases influenced by environmental factors; Comparative medicine in translational and biomedical research; Molecules of natural origin and their use for prevention or treatment of a certain disease; Food production and Nutrition; Role of microorganisms in the promotion of health; Microbial resistance; Conservation and sustainable exploitation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; Chemical agents and other stressors on the environment and health; Prevention of disease in an integrative way.

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