The 2024 bathing season has begun, but the greatest influx of people to the beaches is also the time of greatest risk of contamination. The people and animals that circulate in the seawater and on the sand release chemicals, such as UV filters, and waste that contribute to the proliferation of microorganisms. The Biosfera program spoke to ICBAS lecturers and researchers Adriano Bordalo e Sá, Paulo Martins da Costa, and Inês Rodrigues to learn more about the precautions bathers should take this summer.
The aim was to "make children aware that what we understand as health also includes the health of animals, plants, and the environment". To this end, the One Health Office of the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) at the University of Porto launched the challenge with EB1 do Marco, from the António Sérgio School Group in Vila Nova de Gaia, and EB1 da Caramila, from the Fontes Pereira de Melo School Group in Porto, and gave birth to One Health in Schools, an initiative which, over the last few months, has publicized the One Health concept to primary school children.
The initiative initially included visits to schools to enlighten the little ones about the definition and applicability of the One Health approach. In a second phase, which took place on 21 and 26 June, the schools were received at ICBAS to present their vision of the issue.
Text adapted from UP News. Read the full story here.
This video shows the visit to ICBAS by 2nd year students from Escola Básica do Marco (Agrupamento António Sérgio, Vila Nova de Gaia) and 3rd year students from Escola Básica da Caramila (Agrupamento Fontes Pereira de Melo, Porto), in June 2024. During this visit, the students responded to a thematic challenge launched by the One Health Office, on the topics of 'Pets' (Escola Básica do Marco) and 'Access to water' (Escola Básica da Caramila).
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