One Health no Mundo


November 19, 2024
Paws, Claws, Hooves, Fins, and Feet—Advancements through a One Health Approach Virtual

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is hosting this virtual symposium, whose goal is to highlight CVM’s role in protecting human and animal health and to share information on the center’s One Health approach.


15 November 2024, Commission’s science advisors recommend ways of strengthening One Health governance in the EU

11 November 2024, FAO supports Zimbabwe in building a robust, integrated AMR surveillance framework

06 November 2024, FAO at COP16: Promoting Climate Financing and One Health for Biodiversity Goals

01 November 2024, Quadripartite partners organize High-Level One Health Meeting in collaboration with the Brazil’s Ministry of Health at the G20 Summit

29 October 2024, Leveraging One Health to Build a Resilient Philippines

29 October 2024, Advancing the implementation of the One Health approach in the WHO European Region

28 October 2024, Scaling up One Health for better transboundary pest and disease control

13 October 2024, WHO launches new Horizon X Programme for One Health emergency preparedness

10 October 2024, AMR in Focus at Africa’s First One Health Congress

26 September 2024, Brazil Aims for G20 Declarations on Climate & One Health and Local Medicines Production at Rio Summit 

24 September 2024, First in-person meeting of the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (Term II) advances Quadripartite collaboration

17 September 2024, The environment is fundamental to human health. Here’s why.

16 September 2024, Let’s reward those who make a difference for our four-legged friends? (Portuguese)

10 September 2024, Media for One Health launched to boost public health reporting

09 September 2024, Indian and Australian health leaders to develop One Health program

04 September 2024, Antimicrobial resistance, One Health and climate change: main themes of the G20 in Brazil (Spanish)

03 September 2024, Arab League stresses importance of applying One Health approach

03 September 2024, Evaluation of RAN PRA 2020-2024: Control of Antimicrobial Resistance Achieves Positive Results

02 August 2024, CDC A(H5N1) Bird Flu Response Update

01 August 2024, FAO promotes the “One Health” approach for the transformation of agrifood systems through a series of webinars

25 July 2024, Portuguese Medical Association sets up working group to promote One Health (Portuguese)

17 July 2024, A prosperous and competitive Europe fueled by better animal health

01 August 2024, FAO promotes the “One Health” approach for the transformation of agrifood systems through a series of webinars

17 July 2024, A prosperous and competitive Europe fueled by better animal health

15 July 2024, How One Health can help ease climate-driven health crises

28 June 2024, One Health sustainable financing: National investment dialogue underlines why it pays off

Outra informação de interesse

Book | One Health – A contribution from the University
By ICBAS One Health office

Opinion One Health Governance in the European Union             By European Commission, Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

Thorns: When Earth Refugees Are The Aliens
By Laura Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP

Bats, Ducks, and Pandemics: An Introduction to One Health Policy By Laura Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP

Entrevista O tumor do cão poderá ajudar a detetar um cancro no dono? Seremos vacinados para doenças que só atingem animais? O ‘one health’ diz que sim

Podcast Ecosofia X, Jornal Expresso, Conhece o conceito ‘uma só saúde’? Quais os ganhos para todas as espécies?

One health joint plan of action (‎2022‒2026)‎: working together for the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment

Podcast One World, One Health (One Health Trust)

New directions for tackling food safety risks in the informal sector of developing countries

One Medicine−One Health’: An Historic Perspective by One Health Initiative team

A One Health priority research agenda for antimicrobial resistance

One Health: including animal rights, conservation, human population and diet

One Health coloring book from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s One Health Office

Cross-agency knowledge for One Health action, Joint statement by European Union Agencies

OHHLEP inventory of One Health tools

The guide to implementing the One Health Joint Plan of Action at national level

Guidance on Selection and Use of One Health Operational Tools

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