ICBAS launches book on One Health

One Health - A contribution from the University “It is not intended to be a finished work, but rather one aimed at civil society, to reach a wide audience,” argue Adriano Bordalo e Sá, Begoña Perez-Cabezas, Luísa Azevedo, and Sofia Costa Lima, from the One Health Office of the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS), right in the foreword of the book.

This work aims to spread awareness of the importance of the One Health concept, under which “Human health is connected to the health of other living beings and the health of the environment,” as “human beings do not live alone on the planet,” explain the editors, who are also lecturers and researchers at ICBAS.

Read the full text here.

The book can be purchased at the U. Porto Store (Praça Gomes Teixeira, Porto) or online at the publisher's website UP Press.

Source: Notícias UP.; Image: UP Press.

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